My fiction writing career has been somewhat stop-start, but as I gather those all-important fiction publications, I’ll list them here. Of course, my marketing alter ego has plenty of publishing experience; meet her over here. You can also sign up for my newsletter tracking recovery from burnout and breakdown, here.
Tales from the Ether
My short story For All Time, Dear Friend, was picked up by the Flash Fix podcast and led to it being included in this first Warwick Writers anthology. It’s available on Kindle here.
26 Wild
A joint project between 26 and The Wildlife Trusts, I wrote a centena (exactly 100 words) about an endangered species: the koala. Yes, the koala, post-2020 bushfire season. Details of the project are here, and my piece is here. The pieces were also published as part of a limited-edition book, The Story’s Not Over.
Bloomsbury Festival 2020
I joined the Bloomsbury Festival’s writers in residence again in 2020, and also was chief wrangler for the programme. Things were a little different this year given the pandemic, with the festival running pretty much fully online. Read my response here.
26 Weeks
Ongoing conversation project with the organisation 26, looking at how various people around the UK are dealing with the pandemic. I’m speaking with the lovely Helen Deverell, who is pregnant with her first child. Read more here.
Bloomsbury Festival 2019
Again with 26, I was one of the Bloomsbury Festival’s writers in residence in 2019, tasked with wandering the festival for a day and writing something inspired by what I saw. Read my response here.
The Understory
A joint project between 26 and The Woodland Trust, I wrote a sestude (exactly 62 words) and accompanying essay inspired by the plight of the River Redgum trees in my native South Australia. The online publication of my piece, Cracked Foundations, is here, and the project was turned into a book which can be purchased here.
Writing on Glass
Produced as a joint project between Sutton Writers and the Heritage Services of Sutton Libraries, this is a collection of works inspired by the Past on Glass project. Boxes full of 10,000 glass photographic plates were discovered in the basement of an opticians in Sutton when the shop was being demolished as part of a road widening scheme; the plates were produced by a local photographer, David Knights-Whittome, in his shop in Sutton between 1900 and 1920. The collection is not commercially available.
Once Upon a Time
I had a piece published in this anthology of modern and adapted fairy tales. It came from a competition run in conjunction withe UK National Flash Fiction Day in 2012. Buy it here; all proceeds go to the National Literacy Trust.