
Welcome to my world

This time, I mean it

By In Thoughts 1 min

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by. This here sticky post is my welcome to you, and my thanks for your visit.

This blog has had many lives since I first purchased the URL over a decade ago. It’s been a brain dump, a tracker, a scream-into-the-oblivion outlet – the Wayback Machine will be able to shed more light – but mostly it’s been the thing that taunts me for my lack of progress towards Being A Proper Writer.

Now, today, the beginning of April 2021, I’m refreshing it once more. This is it, this is the big time. The One Shot that comes after all the other practice shots. I’ve been focusing much more on the craft of fiction in the last 12 months – basically since the Covid-19 pandemic forced us all inside with nothing much else to do – and I’m now deep into my next novel. With that comes a new look, a new world. And a new website.

I can’t promise to be posting here with any sort of regular frequency, but I will be sure to drop by and share my thoughts about the writing life, as well as MY writing life. I’m a woman in horror, I’m a writer with chronic depression, I’m an expat far from home. All of these things make my experience and my perspective different, something specifically mine. I hope you find something of interest, but no worries if not. There are plenty of other writers out there telling equally wonderful stories as I am.

In the meantime, if you want to see what else I’m up to, you can visit wherelaurenwrites.com or sign up to my newsletter, How to Be Self(Ish).

See you round the interwebz. Stay safe out there.

Lauren (LJ) McMenemy
Lunchtime, 5 April 2021

Photo by Drew Beamer on Unsplash

Written by LJ McMenemy

Thinker of random thoughts. Writer of random dreams.
1 Comment
  1. Mary McMenemy 06/04/2021

    Good luck Lauren ??


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